Welcome to our Kinetic Letter page
Here at Musbury School, we use Kinetic Letters as our consistent handwriting scheme across the school.
The scheme groups letters into families that all share similar movements. This helps the children to learn basic letter formation which is the main principle. Much of our handwriting sessions can be taught without the children even using pencil and paper! Click on the link to see the letters broken down into their families.
There are six key moves that help to form letters and numbers (please see below). Pupils learn these movements in the air first, using their writing hand before moving onto drawing them in sand or writing them on a whiteboard or paper.
Each letter is a combination of these six movements and has a short, memorable story to accompany it.
These are taught in classes slowly building up to letter combinations, words and then sentences.
Children are encouraged to hold their pencil correctly and reminders of this happen throughout school from our youngest learners, to our oldest.