Our Intent
Enhance children’s personal, interpersonal and social effectiveness and their ability to manage risks and make decisions.
PSHE is taught weekly. We use the programme of study provided by the PSHE Association as a guide to structure the children’s learning. This learning is centred around 3 key themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world.
Relationships and Sex Education is taught as part of our PSHE programme, with discussions centred around puberty, the menstrual cycle, positive relationships and human reproduction in the context of the human lifecycle. These sessions are usually taught in Years 5 & 6 and parents will be informed when these lessons are taking place.
Assemblies occur daily. We celebrate children’s successes every fortnight, discuss our school values weekly and also address any current, local, national or global issues. Children are given opportunities to discuss these events and ask questions in a safe environment.