Our Intent
At Musbury Primary School, our intent is firmly aligned to the aims of the national curriculum for reading.
The national curriculum for reading aims to ensure that all pupils:
- read easily, fluently and with good understanding
- develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
- acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
- Appreciate our rich and varied literacy heritage
In Reception, children are developing their love of reading. They are able to talk about the books, rhymes, poems and songs that are shared and begin to develop their word reading skills by decoding and speedy recognition of familiar printed words.
In KS1, children are becoming confident and fluent readers, who love to meet new characters and new places through the stories that are shared.
In KS2, children are avid readers. Immersing themselves in the worlds of real and imagined people. Now they have learnt to read, they read to learn.
Our Implementation
Our teachers are highly skilled at teaching reading, from the early stages through to the fluent competent reader.
Early reading, is taught through systematic phonics approach using the Sound Write programme, alongside extensive exposure to high quality books that ensure our children encounter rich and varied vocabulary. Children's books are linked to the sounds they have been learning so they are able to practice and embed what they have been taught.
A child's understanding about a text is supported through conversation, questioning and activities around the following key areas:
Teachers instil a love and passion for reading. Our engaging book areas, high quality texts, World Book days and daily love of reading sessions are just a part of what our enriching reading curriculum offers. We firmly believe that as teachers, if we give children the right skills alongside the right books, we can instil a love of reading that will foster lifelong readers and in turn learners.
Our Reading Spine Promise
Our Reading Spine Promise, is a promise to the children that in their journey through Musbury School, they will experience and enjoy a core collection of books which have been hand picked as 'essential reads' by school staff. These books are a variety of high-quality books which staff will read with their class, which, along with text chosen to focus in reading and writing lesson, will support to inspire young minds to be:
►Creative Thinkers
►Active Learners
►Big Dreamers
►Curious Explorers
►Respectful Citizens
►Knowledgeable of the Wider World
The Impact
At Musbury, we aim for continued progress, sustained learning and transferrable skills across all subjects. Children who are decoding, will participate in regular phonics checks to ensure that they are keeping up in the skills and knowledge. From Year 2 onwards, children will take part in ongoing assessment tasks as well as termly fluency and comprehension assessments, appropriate to their age and stage.
Supporting Reading for Pleasure at Home
100 Best book recommendations lists by The Book Trust: